Urgent Donations Needed, Help for Our Panleuk Kittens

$1,560 of $3,000 raised
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This has been a tough week, rescue family. Armadillo and Turtle, two absolutely adorable, amazing, sweet, and special kittens from our OWL Project became extremely sick. Two night ago, we decided to admit them to the hospital, and attempt to save their precious lives. They were diagnosed with Panleuk, otherwise known as distemper. Panleuk comes in many forms, and sadly, this form has already taken a victim. Yesterday morning we received a call from our vet, Armadillo was not doing well at all despite extensive, life saving, treatment. Together, we made the heart breaking decision to help that sweet, loving kitten pass humanely. Rest in Peace, Armadillo, we truly wish we could have had more time to love you. And now little Turtle, our stunning baby panther with the crossed eyes who stole our hearts from day one, remains in the hospital, fighting for his life.

There are five other kittens from their project, who spent time all together, who we are monitoring closely for any changes at all. While we hang on tight, and send every bit of positivity and love we can, Turtle’s way.

The estimate we received for 3 days worth of necessary care for 2 kittens, was a total of roughly $4000. Yes, you’re reading that correctly. Extensive care, and IV fluids is Turtle’s chance, and we are pulling so strongly for him right now. Now that we’ve so sadly lost Armadillo, we do expect that estimate to drop some, but we also have no idea what the coming days hold for Turtle or any of the others.

Please help us. Please help Turtle. Please help us help the others stay strong. We can’t do this kind of life saving work without you. It truly takes an animal loving village. 

UPDATE: 10/12/17 5:00pm

We generally try to keep it positive here. But it is with very heavy hearts today, that we have to share some bad news. This morning, Gopher, another amazing kitten from our Owl project, passed away suddenly. (Pictured below, when she was first rescued.) And she did indeed test positive for Panleuk. 💔RIP GOPHER, we wish we could have loved you longer. 😢 Seemingly healthy and unaffected yesterday, and gone today. This is heartbreaking, and painfully tragic. Please — always vaccinate, spay, and neuter. No excuses. And now, we remain fully on guard as we continue to closely monitor Gophers seemingly healthy siblings, that she shared space with. 😔 ❤️💔 Such mixed emotions as 🐢Turtle pulls through, but Armadillo and Gopher are lost. We have to keep fighting for the kittens who are still with us. 🚨 Financially, this is especially brutal for a small rescue like ours, as you can imagine. We know we keep asking, but we — or rather, THEY — continue to desperately need your support. We just got the bill for Armadillo’s one night in the hospital. Over $700 (check the pic of the bill on the fundraiser link). Turtle continues his treatment, we know the bill grows by the hour, and so far we’re at about $1100 raised. We’re soooo very grateful for all you’ve donated, and we promise when we have a second to breathe, the thank you’s are coming, but right now, we all need to dig deep to save these precious lives. 🐾Please continue to GIVE, please continue to SHARE. Lives depend on it🐾 RIP Gopher & Armadillo.

UPDATE: 10/11/17 7:20pm

Turtle is making improvements daily! He’s finally been taken off dextrose and IV fluids, this is HUGE! He’s even eating well enough to maintain his hydration. His doc feels he can go back to foster soon, but he’ll be in medical boarding for a little while longer to ensure he’s being monitored 24/7, and that he doesn’t decline or need further care! We couldn’t be happier for this brave, adorable little fighter! 💛💛💛 He is still on many antibiotics and belly meds, and he’s still struggling with diarrhea 💩 We’re hopeful that he’ll be sprung from the vet soon and dare we say, adoption ready! He has a little more recovery to do, but seems to be out of the woods! Go Turtle Go! ❗And then comes the flip side of our joy and love, which is the thousands of dollars worth of bills that we are accruing to care for little Turtle. We so greatly appreciate your support, and know we can’t do this alone…but at a bit over $900 raised, we’ve only put a dent in the bucket, and the expenses have not yet ended. Please DONATE, and please SHARE! And please continue to keep this little guy in your thoughts and prayers!

UPDATE: 10/9/17 3:40pm

I don’t want to get my hopes up (or yours) as Little turtle has been touch and go since he was admitted for panleuk with his brother (rip😭). I have been speaking to the staff and vets regularly on his prognosis , medical plan, mental state and overall how he is doing. Yesterday his red count dropped a little and we were in talks of plasma and perhaps a blood transfusion. We spoke again around midnight to check in and he was still holding his own and not giving up by any means – so we decided to wait on today’s bloodwork. I called this morning – and – guess who’s eating!! 🐢 turtle! He’s also walking around and talking to them 🙀meowww💙🐾 Bloodwork shows his red count went up a little today , thankfully 🙏🏼, so we are holding off on and transfusion (which in itself is not without risk). We can’t break out the champagne 🥂 yet and celebrate , but today is a good day for little turtle 🐢 and we hope he continues to improve and feel the love and prayers. Please donate , pray and share to help us save him , this visit is verryyyyyy costly!! But he’s so with it ❣️🐢

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Donation Total: $25.00